Director of Care Dave Cooper explores the power of imagination in recovery.
Have you ever thought about the incredible resource that each of us have with imagination? Often, when introducing the concept in clinic, people will say, ‘I’m not very creative’ and initially dismiss the notion of this immense power within.
But imagination is not merely the means by which we might draw or paint or write. Its scope is far wider, much more accessible and infinitely more powerful than most people ever realise. And learning to deploy this for your own benefit can be life-changing.
Imagination, far from being a mode of entertainment or a conduit for artworks, is actually one component of the innate toolkit that each of us possess; with the purpose of achieving fulfilment of our emotional needs. Imagination is the problem solver – it provides an extraordinary opportunity to ‘rehearse’ solutions to challenges in myriad circumstances – it helps us to find the answer before we actually put it into practice.
But just like any facet of the human psyche, it can be utilised to torment us, too. Misuse of imagination occurs in depression; it can trigger low mood, fear, trauma and paranoia. It’s the mechanism of rumination – washing the same challenges round and round in a cycle of incompletion, always focusing on the worst outcomes.
Teaching the power of imagination and the skills to wield that power for recovery and transformation is vital – and just one part of the immense toolkit that nature provides to each of us. Understanding this self-power is often a revelation, but always a source of joy and enlightenment.
Bayberry incorporates innate resource techniques for recovery and personal transformation within all of our recovery programmes. If you’re interested in knowing more, please contact us on 0800 690 6366